Corporate Cards (US Bank Personal Liability Travel Card)


Administration & Finance


Financial Services


Accounts Payable

Contact Information: 

David Chelliah / Manager Accounts Payable and Fiscal Services / 415-338-2367

Effective Date: 

Thursday, August 7, 2014


ICSUAM 5251 - CSU Policy Manual For Contracting & Procurement


The US Bank Personal Liability Travel Card, commonly known as the Corporate Card/ Travel Card, is an individual liability credit card that is used as a means of expediting payment of travel expenses and reducing the need for cash advances.


Personal Liability Travel/Corporate Card may only be used for official business that directly serves the University. Faculty or staff may not use the Travel Card for personal expenses. To ensure proper use of the card the University reserves the right to review and monitor all cardholder’s purchases.

A SFSU employee is eligible to apply for a travel card if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • Your position at the university requires business related travel at least two times per year and/or you regularly host business meetings/meals off campus.
  • You have been authorized by your appropriate Administrator.
  • You have completed and agreed to the terms of the U. S. Bank Application.
